Yesterday marked a sad moment for my summer, more like an 'end' for it. but I'm accepting the facts so I have no reasons to not be feeling all like rainbows and unicorns and shit. Although that is a bit too much. And this is the latest installment of EPIC MEAL TIME TUESDAYS, so a certain level of manhood is necessary on tonight's post. Manhood and awesomeness. I'm feeling good about this post, And tonight I'm going public, spreading the blog on my facebook and twitter. Welcome to this humble interweb space. And as I finish writing this my soccer team just won it's first Champions league game this season. Go Porto!
And tomorrow I'm introducing a new special day, the ''Tech Wednesdays''. Be sure to come on by.
Starting the festivities, one of my favourites from the Sauce Bausses. the Turbaconepic Thanksgiving.
One day, one day I shall attempt this.
Alright, Let's keep the hype then shall we? DANCE!
Tonight, I introduce to you JubaFilms. And their piece ''Big trouble in little bistro''. Very nice B-boy skillz these two have, and a good comedy sense too. And the two big production pieces they have are about food. How interesting.
You must watch in HD, it's a whole different thing.
And the Sounds section today has a real treat. Reggie Watts, with the amazing single ''Fuck Shit Stack''.
Wrapping up the whole thing, why not some (Teddy) Bear Grylls humour.
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