The dancers guide to geekness, The geeks guide to dancing.
And some tunes and visual aids to fill the gaps.

quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2011

I thought we were in the summer ..

Yeah, you heard me. What the hell is going on with this freaking weather? Can't a guy enjoy the last month or so of summer break in the beach? I mean, I'm all for getting in front of the pc and wander about meaninglessly in teh interwebz. But, I have all autumn, winter and spring to do that while depressing over the rain and studying. AND the weather people say i'ts only getting better starting Monday. Awesome -.-

Very well then, let us see. Nothing like a good dance moment to raise the mood.

Today it's from one of the big ones, Shaun Evaristo. The guy is like a legend almost among the dance people, you say the name and immediately there is a ''uuuuh'' in the room. So Shaun is the creator of this little fun piece, but it's Actually Lyle Beniga who get's the spotlight. And Lyle isn't anything short of awesome too. Later on I'll obviously show some of his work.

Music. Today something unexpected, as I roamed one of my new favourite places in the web, I found this set from these guys called Background Sound. Although the beginning is a bit lame I know, it's gets a loooot better believe me.

Percussion Lab - Background Sound - Exclusive DJ Mix

Picture time. Unfortunately I missed the chance (thanks to my camera's battery dying precisely at THE moment of today), of getting one of those perfect double rainbows. the sky was so freaking orange and the rainbows, wow. So I'll just leave you with this.


and a really cool pic from france.

Damn you St. Peter, Y U NO make the sun appear more?

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