I'm starting to really get pissed about my new college year. Of all the freaking schedule possibilities, they have put me entering everyday at around 3PM and leaving at 8PM. What kind of crap is this? Oh, and on Mondays, witch is the most sacred day for me as it is when I have dance classes, at 8PM, they have put me having a Lab class until 9h30 PM. WHAT? This will not end here, I'm gonna demand someone's head if I don't get to have my weekly dance injection with the best group of people I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a mirror with. Seriously, You wouldn't like when I don't have my weekly dose. Heads WILL roll.
SO, today, a new feature, and in the future much more to come. so, after the success (?) of EPIC MEAL TIME TUESDAYS, ... Introducing
Geek Wednesdays!
This will be that day of the week when you get to know and embrace your inner geek. And what better way to do so than to show some cool japanese stuff? here goes today's injection of geekness!
This has made my jaw drop so hard. This is water people, and the calculations involved to do those 'drawings' must be so precise. This has some pure engineering skillz involved. It's something you have never seen before, it's not that bellagio fountain's style witch is really just some water jets with colorful lights and random water drippings on everywhere. This can be used to do so many things. It's just like an LCD, only with a much limited frame rate. Amazing.
Moving on to the general topics of interest, let's watch some Portuguese people dancing! Today a taste from my homeland. The choreographer? Carlos Neto, An ascending choreographer working currently in London, And ambassador of WOD London witch is going down at the end of this month. I Love his style. And it's so good to know there are some Portuguese guys who can really dance ! And even more kewlness, yours truly is present in this video! look for J in the gray tee with the red cap. Or don't, probably better off.
A very groovy piece. what an awesome class it was.
On the music 'bizz, I'm following the geekness to show you this absolute genius mash up from Madeon. this 16 year old boy is a freaking genius, and he made this piece live, what you are about to see came out on the first attempt. he has programmed that controller full of lights with sound cues from 39 different songs. And the result? see for yourself.
Finishing up today, a big image consisting of multiple images, it still is one..
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