The dancers guide to geekness, The geeks guide to dancing.
And some tunes and visual aids to fill the gaps.

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

I've been spending too much time IRL vol.1 Or Setting things straight vol.2 a.k.a. Sorry for the wait vol.3

All that talk two days ago and yesterday PUFF! -.- I've been hanging out of the house too much time. I assure this is not common of my persona, but After some 3 more days things Will go back to normal. Believe me. I'm 100% sure of that.

Okay let's talk business. Dance Business that is. Lots of stuff to choose from as always. Correction: Lots of Awesome stuff to choose from. Each day I post something, 5 seconds later I remember another video and I go like ''How the hell haven't I posted that yet?!''. It's painfull really. Oh well, have some Brian Puspos. Nuff' Said

After that, meet the Sh*tKingz being serious at a competition, wich they've, well... won.

Sounds. Today an Hip Hop Classic. Break ya Neck by the big one, Busta Rhymes. Dooooopee. and i recomend the moment around 1 minute through. that's dance battle GOLD right there

And then One from the latest Big Sean Album. Music to one of the dance videos I already posted here from Lando Wilkins

Now for some random imagery. Enjoy. I'm off.

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